4-0-300 Blog 000

Welcome to the 4-0-300 blog. The 4-0-300 project is an idea to pass on information on Obstacle Course Racing (OCR) in our own unique voice and way.


The Concept

The 4-0-300 concept is to encourage, educate and inform those interested in starting to race OCR or are already involved and looking for some more information. So whether  it’s Spartan Race, Tough Mudder, Mud Hero, Rugged Manic, BattleFrog or something yet to created we want to be your source.


The Name

So being that I (Scotty) started the project I got to pick the name and wanted something which played off Southern Alberta where I’m from and where most of our posts/posters will be centred. I also wanted a tie in with the Spartan Race which is my OCR experience so far. After much brainstorming I went with a style of name I have been using recently and went with a numeral based name. I thought about how a rugby team I had recently founded (has since been absorbed into a larger club) had used a name in this style and all the feedback was that the players favorite part of the name was the number. So we smashed together the area code for Southern Alberta (403) and the one of the largest Spartan influences of modern pop culture (300) to get 4-0-300.


The Future

The idea of the project is to generate enough interest in the blog to start our own website to host other blogs on the sport, and create a forum for racers to communicated with each other, work out carpools, pass on race series reviews, obstacle skill tips, and little tricks they use when plying their trade. We even plan on have teams out at races in the area.


So there’s a quick down and dirty guide to us. So hopefully we can help get signed up for a race, get training and we’ll see you on the course.



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